Sunday, February 11, 2007

Shame, Shame, Shame!

So many shameless fools running wild. Here's a short sampling...

Shame on the world for continuing to ignore the genocide that ensues in Darfur, which has killed over 400,000 and has caused two million people to flee their homes. Thankfully, Congo-Brazzaville has been chosen to head the African Union after Sudan withdrew its candidacy. Sudanese President Omar el-Bashir backs the Janjaweed which is mostly responsible for the genocide. Bashir deserves the same fate as Saddam Hussein.

Shame on former Westchester County District Attorney Jeanine Pirro. Apparently, Miss Lip Gloss did not release 300 pages of evidence while her office brought charges against a man who was eventually sent to jail for the 1994 killing of Louis Balancio, a Westchester County resident and fellow Stepinac High School alum. A judge ruled that the accused man who was sitting in jail for committing the heinous stabbing of the former Stepinac student can now go free. Because of double jeopardy the judge ruled that the case can not be retried, however, current Westchester County D.A. Janet DiFiore will definitely appeal. Tragically, a family has to relive a very dark event in their lives with no justice in sight.

First off, I did not know Balancio because he was several years ahead of me in high school. But as far as Jeanine Pirro, the record has shown that Pirro was more about rushing toward convictions which would further her political aspirations, rather than getting justice, which was her job.

Pirro's political career is finished and a plan for her to host her own t.v. show has been cancelled. Hopefully, this reckless and self-aggrandizing woman will go away to a faraway planet with her crooked husband. Sadly, though, her checkered prosecutorial record will continue to haunt the innocent.

Shame on the media for spending so much time on the death of Anna Nicole Smith. Although, I do feel sorry for Ms. Smith and her family, I just don't get the appeal of this woman who unfortunately resembled a macabre cartoon figure and thus was hard to take seriously. The shame of this is that Smith has now become 'martyred' in some circles, while the dangers of her lifestyle are conveniently swept aside.

Shame on the GOP for going after Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi for wanting a luxurious plane to zip back and forth across the country. Yes, she is asking for a little more than what Republican Speaker Dennis"The Pillsbury Doughboy"Hastert got. But right now, Pelosi is very popular and the GOP isn't. Perception versus reality is very important in politics. The public sees the Republicans not wanting to debate the Iraq war, but instead have made the very ill-advised choice of verbally attacking Pelosi; whose popularity is inexplicable to your humble blogger.

The reality is that the Republican party needs to get back some respect that they have lost over the last couple of years. This fight with Madame Speaker is one that does little to advance their cause.

Shame on the media for giving Senator Joe Biden a pass in regards to his "racist" comments regarding Senator Barack Obama, however, President George W. Bush simply says that Obama is "articulate" and everyone is up in arms. No liberal bias in the media? Gimme a break!

Shame to the "anonymous one." Wayne Gretzky once referred to the New Jersey Devils as a "Mickey Mouse Organization" back in the early 80s. I just finished ordering a pair of mouse ears for an anonymous person who would wear the ears as proudly as a king wears his crown. C'mon everyone join in with me, M-I-C-K-E-Y....!

Stay Onsides!

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